If you’re looking for a quick and easy veggie curry, then this is the one for you!

1 onion diced
2 garlic crushed
700g pumpkin peeled and diced
250g white mushrooms quartered
Good sprinkle of Smoke and Curry
1 tbsp curry paste
400ml coconut milk
4 cups vegetable stock
1 can lentils drained
2 tbs fish sauce
Fry the onion, garlic and pumpkin in olive oil on medium heat, until pumpkin has softened. Stir in curry paste and Smoke and Curry till well mixed.
Add the quartered mushrooms, coconut milk, vegetable stock and chickpeas. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 20 minutes until the lentils are soft and tender. Add fish sauce and cook for a further minute.
Serve with rice and some poppadoms!
Stay well everyone
Vanessa Hicks,