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Zucchini, Eggplant and Tomato Casserole

In our garden, it’s zucchini time again! So finding recipes to make use of the harvest is essential. We’ve been asking around and came across this very simple and yet of so easy and yummy recipe for a quick burst of health on your table. We find this good with fish, a BBQ, as a side to pasta. Very versatile. 


2 tbsp olive oil

1 large zucchini, sliced 

2 large tomatoes, sliced 

1 smallish eggplant, sliced

½ teaspoon Smoke & Curry 

2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic or drop of Smoke & Roast Garlic Essential Oil 

¼ cup chopped fresh basil leaves or drop of Smoke & Roast Basil Essential Oil 

1 cup grated cheese (can mix this up with cheddar/parmesan - we use whatever is in the fridge) 


Place the zucchini, eggplant and tomato in a heat-proof casserole dish, layering between each vegetable. Add your drop of garlic and basil essential oil to your olive oil and then drizzle over the arranged vegetables. Then sprinkle with Smoke & Curry. Finish off with your cheese on top. 

You can now bake in a moderate oven for 30-40 minutes until the zucchini and eggplant easily are sliced with a butter knife. Serve and enjoy. 

Stay well everyone,

Vanessa Hicks

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